Monday, November 22, 2010

Saturday was pretty eventful. Andy came over in the afternoon and spent a majority of the day with me. We ran a few errands and walked around the mall a bit. We never have a reason to go in there, but we always find stuff to talk about and look at. This time I made him go with me to sniff some of the perfumes. And I gotta say, some of those celebrities need to get their noses checked! That new fragrance by Britney Spears, gag-city! Bleh.
Although the one by Kim Kardashian smells really unique and was growing on me.
Personally, my favorite perfume is Intimately Beckham For Her. My boyfriend got me a full size bottle of perfume and the lotion a year ago. He loves it too, reminds him of me. And I first smelled it a couple years ago in Target, and my mom found these sample bottles, just these tiny things, for a dollar at Walgreens or maybe on sale for fifty cents. And that's when Andy and I were hooked. Y'all can keep your DKNY too. The one for men is a gag-fest.
I am curious about some sample stuff I found at Big Lots. I wonder what Tim McGraws fragrance smells like, so I might buy a little thing to see if Andy likes it.
Oh and if you ever plan on getting a fragrance for your special someone, make sure YOU like it too. Some people don't think about it too much, some sniff and think they might like it. But if you like it and they like it, go for it. You'll be the one smelling them all the time.

We also ordered a pizza and rented a couple of movies. District 9 sucked. The new Nightmare on Elm Street was pretty good. Even though I'm a Robert Englund - Freddy Krueger fan all the way.
That was pretty much my Saturday. My Sunday was just filled with going to CVS, Drugmart, Rite Aid, Walmart, Dollar General, Big Lots, and Family Dollar. Found some nail polish. Painted my nails in a trial-error plaid design.

I made a new blog, in the post before this I put the link. It's called Eat Freak. I'll be posting recipes and food related stuff. I've been feeling creative in the culinary department.
Well that's all for now. Should be sleeping, but I've got so much on my mind.

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