Friday, December 31, 2010

Unsure of a Title..

Tuesday I went to visit my friend and some family. I stayed until Thursday afternoon. But I must say that Tuesday night was the most fun. I had the opportunity to watch my grandma play the Wii. We all died of laughter. My arm is sore from ping pong and playing the Wii. I had a blast. I wish my grandma lived closer because I could do that every weekend.

Thursday, however, wasn't that much of a blasty-blast. It was an eventful day, I believe. I left my parents house to go home, stopped for gas, and was at a red light waiting to turn left so I could hop onto the freeway. Well, the car in front of me wasn't moving (the surrounding traffic was) and the light had turned green. I started to move because I didn't want to roll back into a car behind me. Well, I ended up bumping into the car in front of me. Long story short, she was a girl around my age. It was her first "accident" and she had to call the cops or her mom would "kill" her if she didn't. There was no damage. Nothing was exchanged. Everyone was okay. The cops didn't even ask for information. I didn't get a ticket, which was great.

I stopped at Walmart when I got back home, because my ring came in yesterday!!

I made a second trip to Walmart, noticed it got extremely foggy, and while I was waiting in line with my arms filled with stuff, their power went out. It was rather creepy. Eventually they sent everyone home. Every store surrounding the Walmart, was out of power. But I was relieved to see lights once I drove past the railroad tracks. I was happy to have power.

Now the last thing I would like to add before I make this post any more off-topic: I think I solved my book writing dilemma.
I've always wanted (and tried) to write a book. But I have found it difficult to stick to one story that fills an entire book. So I realized I could write and publish short stories! Haha, that is all! Problem solved.

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