Yesterday was quite a day. Well, mostly the evening was interesting.
Andy and I went to the fair and watched the tractor pull. I had a great
time. Andy and I shared an elephant ear and he tried a funnel cake for
the first time ever!
I think that's crazy, but it was good! I joked around saying the powdered
sugar looked like crack. We had a lot of laughs. I was definitely all smiles!
I even guessed a distance that a tractor pulled, 312 feet! Maybe it should
be my new favorite number?
I ended up mentioning pizza, so we left to get one.
My poor phone has been dropped so many times I'm surprised it still works.
This time not only did I drop it, but I didn't know I dropped it. Yeah, lovely!
How did I figure out I lost it? Andy said I was calling him. I thought I butt
dialed him so I was looking for my phone in the truck. I had him call the phone
and I remembered it was on vibrate. But instead of me hearing a vibrate, someone
answered a phone. Some guy.
All I could think of was, SHIT!
But he told us he found the phone and we met up with him so he could give it back.
I can't believe that I lost it. And also that it was found and returned!
The guy only called my mom and left a message, my dad and my dad told him to call Andy,
and he did.
All Andy could say was that I was DAMN lucky!
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